Sensor Mat Interface (SMI) is a practical and robust interface solution designed to be used with any Bed Alarms floor sensor mat.
Bed Alarms manufacture these SMI to connect our floor sensor mats to any brand of nurse call system, whether your system has a 6.5mm Mono or Stereo, 3.5mm, RJ12 or RCA point.
The interface also includes a high-quality call bell, ideal if you only have one nurse call system socket available, ensuring you do not need to use a double adaptor and therefore don’t have the safety issues adaptors bring (if you have an Aux point, we can supply SMI with no call pendant).
This particular interface includes a Pressure Pad/ Paddle style pendant designed for use by residents/ patients with reduced motor skills, arthritis, visual impairment etc. who may find it difficult to press the button on a standard call bell pendant. Order code SMI6.5STPP
We can supply an interface with any of the call bells in our specialty call pendant range. Contact us to discuss your requirements and get a quote.
All interfaces include a handy on/off switch for the sensor mat only, leaving the option of an active call bell only.
Bed Alarms can customise wiring of Sensor Mat Interfaces to suit the variety of nurse call systems on the market, just call us if you are unsure of the requirements at your facility, together we will soon work that out.
A 12 month warranty is included.