Designed by the team at Bed Alarms for use in Residential Aged Care Facilities using over 15 years of industry experience, feedback from our valued customers and the expertise of an award-winning industrial design company. The Violet Assure product has a standalone transmitter on a moveable pole that can just as easily be up against a wall, as at the foot of a bed, or maybe aimed across an ensuite entry or in front of a recliner. The cable free transmitter on pole has as many uses as residents have different needs.
The transmitter includes an internal, easily rechargeable battery with approx. 170 hours of charge. A battery low warning will give staff as long as 8 hours to re-charge with the supplied power pack.
The receiver plugs in to a nurse call wall point, via a nurse call plug in either 6.35mm Mono (T&S), 6.35mm Stereo (T&R) or 3.5mm Mono these three wiring styles suit the majority of the nurse call systems in use in Residential Aged Care. If you utilise the ‘call point’ any industry standard 6.35Mono call bell pendant can be plugged in, via a dedicated jack point included on this state-of-the-art receiver.
When a staff member needs to attend to the resident there is no need to turn the transmitter or receiver off, just press the ‘pause’ button attend to the resident then press it again to re-engage the motion sensor, or if distracted and forgotten it will re-engage itself after two (2) minutes. These are just some of the ‘Good Design Award’ Gold winning features included in the Violet Assure set.